It’s a Friday evening. The week’s not been a kind one. I want to spend the entire weekend watching something mindless, crocheting and painting. But I know the weekend is going to be a blur of chores. When I was ready to give just get into bed with my book, I realised that I hadn’t done my 20 minutes of writing for the day.
The hardest part of this exercise thus far has been figuring out what to write. The topic. Just the way deciding what to cook is always the toughest part of cooking.
To make my job slightly easier, I found a random topic generator, and here’s what I got!
And that’s how I arrived at today’s topic. What’s in your fridge?
I’ll let you in on a little secret about me. I love watching random vlogs on youtube. The more random the better. If you are at all familiar with the vlogging scene, you will know about the gazillion “Fridge Tour” videos that Youtube is filled with! These fridge tour videos fascinate me for 2 reasons - first up, why would anyone be interested in showing off their fridge? Two, what’s in it for the person watching these videos? Unless, of course, you are me and you just love the concept of vlogs! I love looking at all the shiny organisational thingies everyone has. And, of course, the yummy things everyone seems to store in their fridges!
There are a few people I fangirl on the internet. One of them is Catherine Benson. I want to be her BFF. If I were the kind of person who believed in manifestations, that’s exactly what I’d be doing every single day. I’m just fascinated by her and all her videos. Especially her fridge restocking videos. I don’t think there’s a single one of those I’ve missed. If I had to pick a fridge to live in, it would be her’s. In case you haven’t seen her videos yet, please follow her here and here and here.
My own fridge is not even worth comparing with legends like Catben. But if you feel like a snack, there’s one thing you will always find in my fridge - chocolates. At least 3 different kinds. The one that is almost a staple is the Amul Fruit and Nut dark chocolate which, IMO, is one of the best chocolates you can buy. There is also “choclates-brought-back-from-random-travel” category. A piece of chocolate before bed is my weakness.
While this is nowhere as fascinating as a fridge tour, I quite like the idea of using a random prompt generator!